5. How to connect your exchange account using API?

1. Log in to your exchange account, create and copy API keys.

2. After that enter copied API keys and click “Connect to Exchange” button.

3. Now your bidshel and your exchange accounts are connected and you can proceed with setting up your first bot!

6. I didn't make any changes in the kucoin and bot api,but my api is having problems, what should I do?

First, create a new api in Kucoin. If you were able to create an api on the exchange without any problems, register your new api on the bidshel site and assign it to the bot.
Otherwise, you should verify your Kucoin account and do not use IPs from different countries.

7. Does the bot after a month open new positions with new capital, or do we need to update our api?

There is no need to update, the bot checks and updates the capital in your exchange first to open each position.

8. Can I use one API for two bots or connect one bot to two APIs?

Yes, In advanced bot model it is possible to activate 2 bots at the same time in one exchange.

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